Handelingen 22:2

SV(Als zij nu hoorden, dat hij in de Hebreeuwse taal hen aansprak, hielden zij zich te meer stil. En hij zeide:)
Steph ακουσαντες δε οτι τη εβραιδι διαλεκτω προσεφωνει αυτοις μαλλον παρεσχον ησυχιαν και φησιν

akousantes de oti tē ebraidi dialektō prosephōnei autois mallon pareschon ēsychian kai phēsin

Alex ακουσαντες δε οτι τη εβραιδι διαλεκτω προσεφωνει αυτοις μαλλον παρεσχον ησυχιαν και φησιν
ASVAnd when they heard that he spake unto them in the Hebrew language, they were the more quiet: and he saith,
BEAnd, hearing him talking in the Hebrew language, they became the more quiet, and he said,
Byz ακουσαντες δε οτι τη εβραιδι διαλεκτω προσεφωνει αυτοις μαλλον παρεσχον ησυχιαν και φησιν
DarbyAnd hearing that he addressed them in the Hebrew tongue, they kept the more quiet; and he says,
ELB05Als sie aber hörten, daß er sie in hebräischer Mundart anredete, beobachteten sie desto mehr Stille.
LSGLorsqu'ils entendirent qu'il leur parlait en langue hébraïque, ils redoublèrent de silence. Et Paul dit:
Peshܘܟܕ ܫܡܥܘ ܕܥܒܪܐܝܬ ܡܡܠܠ ܗܘܐ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܝܬܝܪܐܝܬ ܒܗܠܘ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܀
SchAls sie aber hörten, daß er in hebräischer Sprache zu ihnen redete, wurden sie noch ruhiger; und er sprach:
Web(And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they kept the more silence: and he saith,)
Weym And on hearing him address them in Hebrew, they kept all the more quiet; and he said,

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